How businesses can help people affected by sight loss
When people first lose their sight, it can be terrifying. Their world completely changes as they know it. Everything is different. It’s incredibly lonely and it has an impact on mental and emotional wellbeing including loss of confidence, social isolation, anxiety and depression.
For the past 145 years, East Cheshire Eye Society has helped thousands of local people who have been affected by sight loss. As an independent, charity we can only do the fundamental work we do to help people with sight loss because of the generous support we receive from individuals and businesses.
Supporting East Cheshire Eye Society is a fantastic way to give back to your local community. Often businesses support large charities, however there is little support for small, local charities.
There are lots of ways that you can support and in return we’ll let you know how the vital funding you’ve provided has helped make a difference to people’s lives. We’ll also help raise awareness of your generous support as part of your corporate and social responsibility, inclusivity and communication activities.
Ways businesses can get involved:
Support us on an ad-hoc basis:
• Have an office bake sale or take on a challenge
• Set-up a charity initiative for your CSR
• Donate a percentage of profit
• Sponsor our events such as: fundraising concerts, evenings or bowling competitions
Become a patron:
• This would involve donating to East Cheshire Eye Society and helping raise awareness on an ongoing basis
• We will include promotion of your services on the ECES website
Sponsor our member activities
• £10 pays for someone to attend a social event
• £30 pays for a home visit to assess environment and reduce loneliness
• £60 pays for hiring Macclesfield Leisure Centre running track for the walking group
• £150 pays for a training day to use a smartphone or tablet
Raise awareness of your company and East Cheshire Eye Society through sponsoring:
• A joint billboard advert with your logo on as a supporter
• Printed and posted brochures to Cheshire based businesses with your logo on as a supporter
• A printed flyer advertising your business in our posted newsletter to over 600 members
• A joint Facebook and Instagram advert with your logo on as a supporter
Local businesses, we hope that you can help us to continue our vital work with people affected by sight loss in the East Cheshire area. It’s only due to the efforts of our supporters that we can offer a full range of support and advice services, technology training and advice, emotional support, social events and so much more.
Email for more information on how you can help to make a difference.