Bollington Festival Choir 2022

Join us to sing: ‘Messiah for All’
Tuesday 13 December 2022
7.30 pm
Bollington Arts CentreWellington Road
SK10 5JR
Bollington Festival Choir was founded at the time of the first Bollington Festival, in 1964, and will soon celebrate its 60th anniversary.
Known for its friendly atmosphere, new members and audiences are assured of a warm welcome.
A few friends first gathered round a piano to sing ‘Messiah for All’, but then it quickly grew to include an orchestra of friends, packing Bollington Arts Centre. The aim was to raise thousands of pounds for local charities.
Kerry Firth is a professional soprano, who has been visually impaired since birth, and will be singing alongside an orchestra led by Nicola Bright. They are kindly supporting East Cheshire Eye Society.
Tickets are just £10 – call 01625 511881 to buy.
*Please note: Booking is essential. All proceeds will benefit East Cheshire Eye Society. *
Don’t miss your chance to sing this evergreen favourite!